No student debt

Currently, 38% of undergrads graduate without any student loan debt and the number will increase to 100%

Increased college enrollment

Businesses would enjoy the fact that there would be plenty of qualified individuals to hire.

More people with double majors

With free college, however, the financial hurdle posed by a double major goes out of the window.

Increased financial stability

individuals with a college degree earn from $630,000 to $900,000 more in median lifetime earnings than high school graduates

Higher graduation rate

Colleges and universities with the highest graduation rates tend to be the most selective and expensive

Better college experience

Without having to worry about tuition costs students would add out of state colleges to their lists

Lower dropout rate

38% of college dropouts cite financial constraints as the cause and quit even before sophomore year

Increased job opportunities

If college were free, more individuals would be able to apply for jobs that otherwise they would be unqualified for

Increased government revenue

Free college is perfect for students who can't afford a degree today but are willing  to pay more taxes 4 - 6 years later

We reviewed reasons why colleges should be free, but there are reasons why they should NOT. Swipe to learn more